InterviewingAn interview is an opportunity for you to learn as much about the company as they will want to learn about you. Taking this opportunity seriously means that you will do adequate research on the company and go into the meeting prepared to talk about how your skills and abilities can benefit the company. With today's capabilities for information gathering via the Internet, it is ridiculous to go into an interview without a great deal of knowledge. Even small, private firms have web sites, or you will find other places with discussion about what they are doing. So we'll assume that you will be going into the interview well armed with information about what it is that you can do for them. Now, study this list of items and read them again right before your interview. This 15-minute refresher includes some items that are very basic. Take every suggestion seriously. Each has been known to make or break a potential career opportunity. You would be surprised at how many 10- and 20-year veterans leave interviews without an offer because they stumbled over one of the basics! Interviewing Do'sDo be alert but comfortable. Use animation with hands, eyes, and head. Lean forward slightly in your chair while listening and maintain a healthy share of eye contact. Don't be a statue -- your body should have a general attitude of "attentive interest." Do smile and laugh when appropriate. Keep in mind that smiling people are seen as individuals who are human and who have confidence in themselves. Don't make extensive notes during an interview unless the interviewer suggests that you write something down. By constant note-taking, you may violate unspoken laws dealing with eye-contact. Do treat everyone in the company with the same high level of courtesy. One fellow snubbed a "technician" who was cleaning glassware. Later in the day, he found himself interviewing with that "tech"-- the company's founder and director of research. Do walk into the interview with a confident, upright posture. Shake hands firmly, giving your name first. Do assume that everyone you talk with on interview day will be involved in the decision to hire, no matter how they are introduced. Many times you will have an opportunity to meet future peers in an organization. Answers to the "candid" questions you're asked in these circumstances often make it back to the hiring manager. Consider yourself as "interviewing" no matter where these conversations take place - in the hallway, lunchroom or while walking the plant. Do find out early what the interviewers are interested in and then talk about it. If they start asking questions about your ability in financial analysis, stay on that subject until the next question. Your job is to spark interest -- and then to maintain it! Do remember that the interviewer may be just as uncomfortable as you are. Rather than concentrating on your own insecurities, try concentrating on the person in front of you. Make the interview go smoothly for him or her and you will find that you've conducted a great interview. Honest smiles and a friendly approach can make a great deal of difference. Do write a synopsis of the interview immediately after you leave. You'll refer to it often. Do provide prompt feedback to the recruiter or Human Resources person who set up the visit. Remember that the person who put the interview together is involved throughout the entire process, and deserves your respect. Do get the names, with proper spelling, of all the people you interview with over the course of the day. Better yet, get their business cards Do avoid controversy. Do remember that a well-placed pause after an important question is worth its weight in gold. This "thinking pause" doubles the value of whatever your answer might be. Obviously you know what your five-year goals are before going into the interview; still, it is better to pause and reflect briefly before responding. Interview Dont'sDon't speak in a monotone. Try to vary the tone and volume of your voice during the interview. Don't over do it but don't be dull and boring either. Don't joke. Telling a joke during an interview, no matter how hilarious it might be, is rarely in good taste. One sales manager reported to us that his favorite joke was so well received that the marketing vice president had him repeat it three times to others. When he didn't get an offer, we learned that the interviewers didn't believe he would take his responsibilities seriously. Don't ever say anything negative about a previous employer or a former colleague. Everyone knows this, and yet it is a crutch that many people fall back upon when asked why they left a company, etc. Don't hide facts. If you have some sort of skeleton in your closet, get the answers to these questions sorted out in advance. Resumes always have some sort of glitch to be probed -- for example, the graduate degree that took eight years to complete or the job change after 11 months. Don't be overly concerned with details (such as how many weeks of vacation you'll get) when the H/R department starts to rattle off the company benefits. You can get specific answers to these questions when an offer is made. These benefits are not the focus of your day. Don't wear loud smelling perfume or cologne. If they can smell you they will remember you for the wrong reason. Don't chew gum during the interview. Not an indication of maturity. Don't use any profanity whatsoever. Don't ask for an ashtray and don't smoke a cigarette on the way into the interview. Don't let them see you sweat. And if you do sweat don't worry about it, everyone sweats. Don't flirt with anyone. The ultimate rejection is no job offer. Don't compete to see who has the strongest handshake. Don't get emotional no matter how bad you need the job. Pity won't get you hired. Don't look at your watch, and don't ask how much longer this interview is going to take. Don't go the restroom. Don't ramble on with long winded answers to each question. Get to the point, state your case and notice if the interviewer is preparing to ask the next question. Don't act offended at any question even if you think it may be a borderline illegal question. They are not going to hire a lawsuit waiting to happen. Don't bring up the subject that your paychecks will be garnished for unpaid child support. Don't make any decisions about the job during the interview. Desire or lack of desire will be noticed. You can't change your mind later. Don't ever think you are the only one being interviewed. Don't forget why you are there - to get the Job Offer! Salary QuestionsSalary usually comes up twice, once when the company asks (because it needs to know) your current salary, and again when the talk gets serious and the discussion turns to your salary expectations for the position. When you hear that question on expectations, or something similar, you'll know that the negotiation has begun. If it feels too early for that sort of conversation, tell them that. If they are only asking for clarification of your current salary, help them out. Because even one small lie will disqualify you, don't even consider pumping up your salary! On the other hand, don't leave out pertinent information. Be sure to provide details about your total compensation package, including any bonus or stock options. The value of your entire package is the figure they need to consider before making you an offer. 10 Ways to Disqualify YourselfHere are 10 self-induced "knockout" factors that can disqualify an applicant. Obviously, the number one reason a candidate might be knocked out of the competition for a particular job is a lack of technical qualifications to do the work. However, many people leave interviews having brought negative results upon themselves. Here are some knockout factors we most often hear from client companies:
Be Prepared Preparing well lets you approach an interview feeling confident and comfortable. When you've done your homework, you'll know that you've got all the information you need to make the right decision about an offer when it comes. Preparation also allows you to show how your skills and abilities will fill the company's specific needs. That's the key point -- you've got to apply all the focus you can muster to show them how well you fit into their organization and how quickly you can begin to contribute. |