Key Employment Requirements for Agricultural WorkplacesFederal and state laws and regulations set minimum employment standards for agricultural workplaces. Those standards are numerous and complex. This checklist covers many of them. It does not list every rule and may include some that do not apply to you, however; you should therefore consult an employment law attorney or consultant for more details. Index
Child Labor
Employer Records Employment Eligibility Verification Farm Labor Contractors (FLCs) Federal Taxes Field Sanitation Housing Housing and Meals Meal Periods Migrant and Seasonal Ag Worker Protection Act (MSPA)
Minimum Wage
Other Posters and Notices Other Safety and Health Overtime Premium Pay Payment of Wages Reporting Time Pay Rest Periods Tools and Equipment Transportation of Workers Unemployment Insurance Workers' Compensation |
Workers' CompensationEmployer must have a workers' compensation insurance policy or be permissibly self-insured Workers' compensation notice must be posted and given to employees Unemployment InsuranceEmployment Development Department registration number Federal TaxesInternal Revenue Service employer identification number Employment Eligibility VerificationMust verify on INS Form I-9 the eligibility of every newly-hired employee to work in the United States Child LaborMinors below age 12 may neither work in agriculture nor be near moving equipment or unprotected chemicals or water hazards (grower's children excepted) Permits to Work and Permits to Employ must be on file for at least 3 years for older minors (grower's children and high school graduates excepted) Limits on hours of work must be observed (grower's children excepted, but must attend school when in session) Minors below age 18 may not mix or load certain pesticides Minors below age 16 may not work in hazardous agricultural occupations (example: near moving machinery) (grower's children excepted) Minor children notice must be posted Property owner who benefits from a minor's employment and who knowingly allows child labor violations to occur is liable for them, even if not the minor's employer Farm Labor Contractors (FLCs)Verify that FLC is federally registered and state licensed (best way: get and keep a photocopy of each document) Keep for at least 3 years a copy of FLC's payroll records for FLC crews supplied to grower Grower who is a joint employer of FLC's employees or who uses an unlicensed FLC is liable for FLC's violations Recommended: Have FLC direct his workers' compensation carrier to send you a certificate of insurance Other Posters and NoticesOther IWC orders as applicable
Migrant and Seasonal Agricultural Worker Protection Act poster Employee Polygraph Protection Act poster California nondiscrimination poster (5 or more employees) Federal nondiscrimination poster (15 or more employees) Federal Minimum Wage poster Cal/OSHA: Safety and Health Protection on the Job; Form No. 200; others as applicable, based on activities Industrial Welfare Commission (IWC) Order 14 (ag occupations) Minimum WageIn general, all nonexempt employees must be paid at least $7.25/hr no matter whether wages are earned on an hourly, piece-rate, commission or salary basis Piece-rate earnings are averaged over a workweek to determine whether minimum wage is achieved Housing and Meals Credited Against Minimum WageEmployee must authorize in writing IWC orders limit credit amounts Overtime Premium PayAlmost all nonexempt employees--even those paid a salary or by piece rate--must receive overtime premium pay IWC Order 14
IWC Orders 4, 8 and 13 (and most others)
Caution: An employee who during a workweek processes, packs or otherwise handles after harvest any amount of any commodity not produced by his employer must be paid 1 1/2 times RPR for all hours worked over 40 in that workweek, even if most of the employee's work is agricultural Deductions not mandated by law require employee's written authorization Payment of WagesAt least semimonthly (exception: at least weekly for FLC employees) Immediately upon discharge or layoff Within 72 hours after voluntary quit Itemized Statement given to employee with wage payment Employee name and social security number Basis on which wages are paid (for example, "$5.75/hr." or "$.20/vine pruned") Total hours worked Number of piece work units produced (if applicable) Total pay period earnings Purpose and amount of any sum withheld Net pay Employer's name, address and IRS employer ID number Inclusive dates of pay period Employer RecordsEmployer's name and address Employee's name, record identifier (if any), permanent address, sex, occupation, social security number and, if under age 18, birth date and designation as minor Day and time when workweek starts Starting and ending times of each work period (meal periods in which operations stop and mandatory rest periods excluded) Number of piece work units produced, if applicable Total hours worked each workday, workweek and payroll period Date, purpose and amount of any sum withheld from or added to wages Net pay Total pay period earnings, including value of board, lodging or other compensation Basis on which wages are paid (for example, "$5.75/hr." or "$.20/vine pruned") Pay date and period payment covers Keep records for at least 3 years; but it's prudent to keep them for 4 years to defend claims under state's unfair competition laws (Business & Professions Code sections 17200-17209) Reporting Time PayHalf of usual day's pay (at least 2 but not more than 4 hours) for employee who reports for work but is given less than 1/2 of usual day's work; most typical exception is for an Act of God or other cause beyond employer's control Tools and EquipmentEmployer must provide and maintain required or necessary tools and equipment for employees earning less than twice the minimum wage Funds securing return of equipment deposited in a joint bank savings account Deduction from employee's final pay for lost equipment allowed only upon employee's prior written authorization and only where loss is due to employee's dishonest, willful or grossly-negligent act Meal PeriodsAllow a 30-minute unpaid meal period in a 5-hour work period; employer and employee may waive it if a work period of 6 or fewer hours will complete day's work; employer and employee may agree to on-duty paid meal period if task requires it Rest PeriodsAllow a 10-minute paid rest period per 4 hours of work or major fraction thereof, based on total workday hours; none required if employee works under 3 1/2 hours in a workday Transportation of WorkersLicensing of drivers Vehicle safety standards and inspection stickers HousingInspections and permits under state Employee Housing Act if 5 or more employees are housed Compliance with federal housing standards for migrant agricultural workers Federal migrant agricultural worker housing poster Field Sanitation in hand-labor operationsToilet Facilities
Hand washing Facilities
Toilet and Hand washing Facilities
Drinking Water
Good hygiene practices notice Other Safety and Health RequirementsWritten Injury and Illness Prevention Program Written Hazard Communication Program First-aid kit and person trained in its use Migrant and Seasonal Ag Worker Protection Act DisclosureDisclose this information in writing to a recruited migrant or seasonal day-haul agricultural worker when the worker is recruited and to a seasonal agricultural worker upon the worker's request when the worker is offered employment: