- Senior sales manager in charge of all sales activities, departments and personnel involved
in Sales and Marketing for the Company.
- Provides leadership to the day-to-day operations of the sales department, while maintaining
focus on the company’s strategic goals.
- Member of the Company’s Senior Executive Staff.
- Reports to the Chief Executive Officer/President.
- Analyze sales statistics to determine business growth potential.
- Establishes performance goals for all sales department employees, and monitors performance on a continual basis.
- Oversees all hiring, training and firing of personnel involved in Sales and Marketing.
- Develops, or participates with the Senior Staff, in the development of the Strategic Marketing Plan for the Company.
- Directs department(s) to achieve objectives established in the Company’s Strategic Plan.
- Coordinates sales operations with all other departments/divisions of the Company.
- Develops and/or maintains and improves business relations with all customers of the Company.
- Seeks out and targets new customers and new sales opportunities, initiates action plan to
approach and secure new business for the Company.
- Senior responsibility for all Trade Accounts Receivables. Monitors A/R aging on a proactive basis
with his personnel, coordinates with Credit Manager and Accounts Receivable Manager/Controller.
- Bachelors degree in a business related field
- MBA is highly desirable
- Minimum of 5 years experience in a sales management capacity in the produce industry.
- Must have good understanding of mass markets with EDI systems to drive a growing business
- Knowledge of inventory systems with perishable products is highly desirable; strong motivational,
innovative, and interpersonal skills
- Proven leadership ability to influence, develop, and empower employees to achieve objectives with a team approach.
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